Monday, March 24, 2008

They Thought It Was An Overcooked Thin Crust at Pizza One at First

I didn't even have to click on the link on the BBC news website to just know in my heart that this had to be Norwich Cathedral:

Cathedral emptied by Easter fire

To quote the story: "Reverend McFarlane said: "New Christians were baptised and confirmed by the Bishop of Norwich and the cathedral was filled with light from the candles and incense.

"Sadly, it was all a bit too much for the fire detection system and half-way through the Eucharistic prayer we were interrupted by the fire alarm and an automated voice telling us to evacuate the cathedral.

"Clearly fire detection systems can't cope with the Resurrection of Jesus."

Of course, we all know the real reason for the alarms:
The Health & Safety Executive: protecting Catholics from sectarian immolation since 1974

On an unrelated note, I'd like to see Paris Hilton play Joan of Arc, if only to hear her say "That's hot" in the ultimate scene.

1 comment:

Maestra said...

On an unrelated note, I'd like to see Paris Hilton play Joan of Arc, if only to hear her say "That's hot" in the ultimate scene.

Now that's funny.