Mets chums; by backing you publicly yesterday I may have inadvertenly cursed you with my family finger of destruction. I do know of the depths in which you currently wallow, and be assured that if I knew how to post audio files to this blog, I'd have Don't Give Up by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush up here for you in a jiffy.
Sob on my friends, sob on: only 6 months until opening day 2007.
I cursed them by not watching game 6 and then staying up past bedtime to watch game 7.
With that amazing catch in the 6th inning I started to think that God was on our side.
Then I began to wonder what sort of God was on our side? A Jewish God? A Christian God? A Church of England type of God? A Queens God? I figured that the regular All American corn fed God would possibly be rooting for StLouis.
Then I remembered that i dont think I believe in god.
God is dead.
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