So unfair, dearest. If I am to be the best possible husband I can be, I should at least attempt to restore some of the glory of my youth, don't you think? After all, its unlikely you love me for my mind so I'm on shaky ground as it is.
I shall become like fitness celebrity John Basedow of infomercial fame, right down to the dodgy hair-do.
Being the lad who added words to the "Star Wars" theme tune* coming up with my own signature song should be a doddle.
(*To whit: "Starrrrrrr Wars, Star-ar-ar Star Wars, Star-ar-ar Star Wars, Star-ar-ahh Wars". I also cam up with words for the "Superman" theme: "Superman, Soooperman, Superman, Soo-ooper-mah-ann" etc.)
SO if you get to wear a kilt, do we get to see a photo of you? That sounds fair enough...
I'm sure chickybabe meant to include the qualifier, "AFTER the 30 lbs are dismissed."
30 pounds, what's that, two stone or so?
Must get back to fighting weight... must give up the smokes...must learn to get up early and greet the day....
2 stone, 2 lbs.
Is this something I should hold you to or is it just the gin talking?
So unfair, dearest. If I am to be the best possible husband I can be, I should at least attempt to restore some of the glory of my youth, don't you think? After all, its unlikely you love me for my mind so I'm on shaky ground as it is.
I shall become like fitness celebrity John Basedow of infomercial fame, right down to the dodgy hair-do.
Will you have your own theme song? If you did I'd love you no matter what!
Being the lad who added words to the "Star Wars" theme tune* coming up with my own signature song should be a doddle.
(*To whit: "Starrrrrrr Wars, Star-ar-ar Star Wars, Star-ar-ar Star Wars, Star-ar-ahh Wars". I also cam up with words for the "Superman" theme: "Superman, Soooperman, Superman, Soo-ooper-mah-ann" etc.)
i bet if you just shaved that moustache, you'd be halfway there.
Sweet- I shaved it in 2002, so I'm golden! Although if I grew it back, fear of setting fire to it's waxed ends would make me smoke less.
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