Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why Can't More News Stories Start Like This?

Fire crews hunt escaped hamster with chocolate camera


Andrea Abrell said...

Fudgie is free at last, free at last, free at last.

Wisdom Weasel said...

My brother and each had a hamster at one point in the early eighties. One (I think it was the oddly named "His Nibs"- good for a racehorse, bad for a hamster) escaped and ate my father's rugby shorts which were laying unwashed in his kitbag after practice.

Only swift intevention by my brother and I rescued Nibsy from an enraged man who had just discovered the shorts he needed that evening had been turned into a heavy cotton micro-mini.

Garth said...

without following the link: who had the chocolate camera, the hamster or the fire crew?

Wisdom Weasel said...

Uts why I love that headline: the beautiful ambiguity or rodent photography