Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A little bit of self-indulgence

To the post-modern British patriot who found this post and the attendant comment thread so reactionary and objectionable, might I point to the following from the New York Times (in a great story about the athletic achievements of team GB):

'Britain, which will host the Summer Games in 2012, may not be able to stage a no-expense-spared Olympics the way China has. The week before the opening ceremony, Tessa Jowell, Britain’s minister for the Olympics, said that the Bird’s Nest in Beijing would be the last “iconic” Olympic stadium. Organizers must already be wondering how to follow Beijing’s cast-of-thousands opening ceremony; re-forming the Beatles is not an option.' (the rest...)

Now stop bothering with this petty point scoring by me and read the much more mature post on energy below. Thank you.

2012 fireworks cache, Stratford East

PS: As the kids say, Hhar me now, bo, selecta, swallow back, holler, big up ya self, everything that I in, coming at ya like Cleopatra, come in a couple of bars, recognize, represent, keep it real, you gotta check ya self before ya wreck ya self, swallow back... and hello.

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