Sunday, July 20, 2008

No Title

One day I will have something to say that inspires me to sit down and type, the way I used to back in the 2004 days on this blog. I have a sense that day may come soon. Until then, I shall continue to be intermittment, as is my right.

Hardly the 95 theses of Martin Luther, but as a manifesto it'll have to do for now. Besides, I am busily trying to finish season one of Mad Men before July 28 and season two.


Mondale said...

Right there with you brother.

Maestra said...

Summer is always hard, writing wise, because playing outside is much better than writing. Sharing your summer adventures isnt the same as writing about them so writing is more relaxed in the summer but it is always good to read blogs from fellow bloggers every now and then in the summer this way I know that they are okay.

Anonymous said...

... too bad you couldn't be busy playing with your lovely daughter...

Wisdom Weasel said...

But I count playing with my lovely daughter as fun, not a chore or an excuse (besides, she slept through episodes 6 & 7 lying on my chest yesterday as the rain come down outside. She thinks Don Draper is a bit of a dick too).

Listmaker said...

don draper is hot.

Wisdom Weasel said...

The boy knows how to wear a suit, I'll give him that.

Anonymous said...

Mad Men is worth the cause!! I watched season one in marathon last weekend and I can't wait for season 2!