Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Caption Contest


Anonymous said...

Semi Naked Japanese ancient fertility rite participants for Obama.

Margaret Porter said...

Not a caption:

Were your family affected by the earthquake?? I understand the epicenter was in Lincolnshire...aren't they in Norfolk? Hope all is well.

Wisdom Weasel said...

Thank you for thinking of them. Luckily most of them are dispersed across the country and the globe- I like to think of it as a Norvickian seed bank- so I don't think anyone had their suger beets agitated unduly.

Truly, another in a recent line of fantastic British occurences: big enough so everyone has something to blether on about for the next 6 months ("Ooh, where were you? Did you feel the tremble? I saw some bean tins fall over in Tescos", ad nauseam) but small enough that we won't need days of national mourning and politicians yammering about how so-and-so deceased was "the people's seismologist".

The Mole said...

Hey the earth moved for me in Cambridge! And I was sleeping alone! LOL
Not that big a ground shake, minor really.

I reserve the right to be British and underplay the whole event.

Anonymous said...


"Well when the septic tank guy said it'd be two weeks to flush the system, I said to hell with that!"

Wisdom Weasel said...

John, you have lived to the west of Broadway too long...
