Sunday, December 09, 2007

Final Florida

This is traditionally quite a prolific posting time for me: a glance through the archives shows multiple December posts all the way back to 2004. I have to admit to being a little slow out of the gate this year, but I will make amends (not least with the traditional holiday gift guide that will follow this week at some point).

I do however have an appointment with a dozen chestnuts, some buerre blanc sauce, yorkshire puddings, and half a pound of brussel sprouts this afternoon (I have been quite an ambitious cook this weekend with- so far- homemade naan bread, lemon cornmeal shortbread, black bean soup, clam & panko stuffed portabella, nori bites, pomegranate iced tea, seaweed salad, and egg glazed sesame seed bagels under my belt). Therefore more expansive posts will have to wait another day and instead I will finish up with a last few pics from our hols.

I call this little series "Fear of a Clown Planet":

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