Monday, June 05, 2006

Berlin or Bust

Five Days To Go.


Joe said...

I wasn't aware that Tom Brady is that kind of footballer.

Wisdom Weasel said...

Goldenballs does look a little like Brady. The difference being of course that people outside the USA care who Goldenballs is.

Joe said...

And vice-versa.

Wisdom Weasel said...

And all is right in God's green heaven.

And talking of sports with an alleged global reach, I wonder why so many players on the "foreign" teams at the WBC were actually American?

Its a shame that comparatively few Americans are going to follow their team at the WC and instead plan to take the route of that "freakin'" genius Jim Rome, as a) the Eagles could do quite well and b) there is an outside chance that should an upset or two happen they might play Iran at some stage.

Mondale said...

that dad's army thing if fuckin awful!!

Wisdom Weasel said...

Don't panic Mr. Erickson.