Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I Have Returned

Back in Maine after my Brooklyn epic. Details to follow but already my host Mondale and pal Listmaker have got the ball rolling. As for Mitch, the NY Marathon man of the hour, epic details of his outstanding run through the five boroughs can be found here, at Handwashings.

Stay tuned...


mas said...

Thanks for coming out to the race - hope to meet you in person on your next visit.

Mondale said...

Good to hear you got home safely. I was supposed to call you last night but I was busy getting told off for the 3 cigarettes i smoked on friday night.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you gained a bit of weight in the big city. (But you still, it goes without saying, appear presidential.)

Wisdom Weasel said...

Mas: you have to be the politest runner ever to have lived.

Mondale: oops. Good thing we didn't get cigars.

RPS: Old Weasels never die....
