Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Latest Piece In Face Magazine

An old Face cover, because I'm too lazy and inept to figure out how to post this month's

Self trumpetry abounds: my latest column for Maine's Face arts and entertainment magazine is up on line here:Face Magazine

For those of you who are looking for brand new material, I have to confess that its an update/reshaping of a blog entry from June about Conservative Punks, but hey!


Listmaker said...

gary numan is a republican? next you're going to tell me that thomas dolby is too!

Wisdom Weasel said...

As I am lead to believe is Adam Ant Dan, although Alex may dispute this

Listmaker said...

well, he doesn't drink or smoke, but that doesn't necessarily make him a republican. however, pirates are notorious selfish bastards who rape and plunder for their own selfish benefits so maybe you are onto something.
