Wednesday, February 06, 2008


A lot of my blog friends are lining up behind Obama. This both heartens and worries me. Heartens me because I like Obama; worries me because while we are many things my friends and I are hardly representative of the average American voter.

Let's see if our kiss of death works again like it did in 2004.


Bill Norris said...

Will The Mouse caucus this weekend?

I'd appreciate your take on things there...

Wisdom Weasel said...

She will indeed (while Scout and I watch the pro bowl).

I can't get a handle on how the Maine Dems will break.

What was interesting was last week's GOP confab. It showed how few "true" caucus-committed Republicans there are in a state with two Republican senators. I've come to that conclusion because the state GOP broke for Romney, while to win as a Republican in Maine statewide in a general election you have to run almost as an independent (look at the the careers of Senators Snowe and Collins, former governor Jock McKernan, even Margaret Chase Smith- ideologue foot soldiers like Rep. James Longley Jr were one-and-done casualties of their own dogma).

This could bode well for Obama on Sunday if the same rings true of Democrats (Bill Clinton was heckled about the war in Portland yesterday). However, Maine has the highest median age of any state in the union, and we have seen how the older folks are breaking for Hilary...

Who knows- its all nutty up here. Obama v McCain in a general election would through this state into a loop: I'm not sure if it would help or hinder Tom Allen's campaign to knock off Senator Susan Collins.