Thursday, February 01, 2007

Portent of Doom For: February

Nevermind sabre-rattling over Iran, or polar bears falling through the ice. Real trouble in the world can be detected by carefully studying the grooming and dress of members of the secret one world government/illuminati. Case in point, top neo-con/World Bank Prez Paul Wolfowitz's socks:

To the bunkers! Cower! Cower!


Mondale said...

That looks scarily like the type thing my Dad would wear.

Wisdom Weasel said...

Although the only time I've heard your dad advocate regime change was during the push to have Robert Chase thrown out at Norwich City FC.

Mondale said...

Do you know, I don't even know how the Silver Fox votes. I have an inkling that he was a Harold MacMillan fan but after that it all gets a bit blurry. Beyond that I have sincere doubts about his tory credentials.

Joe said...

When the World Bank prez can not afford either socks or a toenail clipper, the economy is in dire straits.

For god's sake, didn't he know he was going on an airplane that day?

Wisdom Weasel said...

I'm just glad he wasn't visiting Finland. One shudders at the prospect of him stripping down to a moth-eaten pair of underpants before entering the sauna.