Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day To You All

In these days of bile and rancour, I want to shower all of you in love. After all, it is a distinct cultural tradition of my home region:

Norfolk "A County of Old Romantics"
...In Victorian times, Norfolk lovers went to great lengths to swap parcels anonymously on 13 February. Often more money was spent on valentine’s gifts than Christmas presents....

The only surviving Norfolk ritual is Jack Valentine, otherwise known as Old Father Valentine or Old Mother Valentine. The enigmatic Mr or Mrs Valentine disappear into thin air after knocking at the door and leaving their gifts. It is unclear when this mystery figure emerged, but children are as likely as adults to be visited....

Norfolk's Mother Valentine Pageant Winner for 2007


SkookumJoe said...

nice tits

Wisdom Weasel said...

Ah, she's a luvvly mawther, un't she?