Monday, January 29, 2007


Good lord! Amazing what you find when you search for entertainment themed cheese pictures. What on earth is this foulness? I need a shower after seeing that "food".

As I mentioned a week or so ago, my friend Chris clued me into a simultaneously fascinating and boring webcam that allows one to watch a wheel of farmhouse cheddar ripen to perfection, live. The story that Chris sent along read:

Breaking News on Food & Beverage Development - Europe
Live webcam puts cheddar in every home, By Chris Mercer

05/01/2007- Less than a week into 2007 and already there is a contender for the year’s most bizarre story: a webcam that allows consumers to watch a block of cheddar cheese ripen in real time. Dubbed ‘Cheddarvision’, marketing gurus for makers of West Country Farmhouse Cheddar have put one of the cheeses live on the web, so consumers can watch it mature live over the next year.

Farmers hope it will raise the profile of their cheddar, which carries EU Protected Designation of Origin status, and help consumers to understand more about how it is made.

Viewers logging on to see the cheese at the centre of a mock television screen. A counter notes the time lapsed, and a couple of clicks on the tv’s side button reveal extra pictures. The screen also grows darker as daylight fades.

"Some might say this is the most boring website of 2007, but our cheese is worth waiting for so it’s better than watching paint dry...just," said Philip Crawford, chairman of the West Country Farmhouse Cheesemakers group...



youthlarge said...

what were you hoping to find from googling "entertainment themed cheese pictures"? cheese wheels being rolled down a hill chased by wacky brits?

Wisdom Weasel said...

Yes, frankly :(