I have been rather consumed by politics recently and as a consequence there has been a fair amount of harrumphing on the pages of Wisdom Weasel and rather less of the joie de vivre for which I am known in several lands. This being Friday and with the sun shining down upon my little corner of Maine holding off the winter gloom for a few more hours, I thought I would inject a little funk into proceedings courtesy of a splendid little web tool passed along by the lovely Country Mouse.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Weasel and Country Mouse dancing to the Scissor Sisters (be patient; it takes about 30 seconds to load).
And if that don't get yer juices flowing, here's blog/real life chums Mondale and Listmaker doing the same.
Should you want to make your own, follow this link. There are other costumes and hairstyles available, but I think the pink leotard is hard to beat.
Update: Earlier I noted that "the sun (is) shining down upon my little corner of Maine holding off the winter gloom for a few more hours". It is now snowing. Ever so lightly, swirling and not settling, but the first snow of the season nonetheless.
Thank you
I will have nightmares for weeks
Incidentally, is this at all related to the politics of dancing?
Or is this more of the oooh, feelin good variety?
Incidentally, satan got into my fingertips there and compelled me to visit the Wall Street Journal's op/ed page. Pay no attention to that Peggy Noonan behind the curtain. These are not the droids you are looking for ...
The politicians ... are all DJs ... shazzam, that's heavy.
More incidentally ...
I'm back!
Too bad the Rockland pool hall has closed though...
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