Friday, October 07, 2005

Spitfire Low Pass

A little while back some of you were mystified by an arcane discussion of World War Two aircraft between my father and myself. What mystical grip on the Weasel male imagination could a 69 year old aircraft maintain, an aircraft that flew long before either my father or myself reached the age of majority?

May I present exhibit one, the Spitfire low pass movie? Emailed to me by dad, I suspect this will be of interest but little heart pounding emotional reaction to anyone but Mondale, my father, RPS, little brother, and myself, but I'm just glad dad emailed it to me earlier this week. Even if you aren't interested in aeroplanes, this video is astounding.

For the record and for the sake of full disclosure, the pilot is a former Lightning jockey of dad's acquaintance whose aircraft he helped keep in the air while serving with "Treble One" and "Shifty Fix" squadrons in the 1960s and 1970s.

So enjoy, be puzzled, or whatever takes your fancy, but it is clips like this that make me wish I had the coordination to be a pilot....


Joe said...

F*ck me, too! I was frightened for the announcer just watching it.

Great to meet you and Ms. Swisher yesterday, Weasel. You'll have to host a book signing down the coast one of these days.

Wisdom Weasel said...

Love the sound of a Merlin engine...

Reciprocated to both you and Mrs. Sea/Air/Land (what? Are you an accountancy version of a Navy SEAL?). I need to write a book first: maybe I could ghost write "Kevin Youklis, Down(s) at Third"?

I reckon you'll beat me to it, with a guide to water free urinals.

Anonymous said...
