Monday, October 17, 2005

Food, Inglorious Food

For those of you feel that this site is begining to take on culinary airs, we have Cousin Jim (as distinct from Maine Jim, Brooklyn Jim, or Brendan Nemesis Jamie) to thank for bringing us back down to earth with the following link:

Weight Watchers' Recipe Cards From the 1970s

How could one resist a dish called "Fluffy Mackerel Pudding", especially when it is described like this:

"Once upon a time the world was young and the words "mackerel" and "pudding" existed far, far away from one another. One day, that all changed. And then, whoever was responsible somehow thought the word fluffy would help. Oh, and eggs, too."

And you thought "Convenience Fish" was a Pete Dexter novel. Yum.


ChickyBabe said...

I love looking at retro cookbooks! Must get me some of those candlesticks...

Mondale said...

I once ate something that looked very similar, needless to say the relationship didn't last.

country mouse said...


Wisdom Weasel said...

Aggh! I hate the word 'egg' repeated ad nauseaum. CM, keep that up and I might have to make this for dinner.

CB: I'm still not sure if this is a retro cookbook or a series of illustrations of Crimean War surgical procedures.

WM: I'm pretty certain that you and I have produced similar stuff under the influence of the Silver Fox's Glenfiddich in the kitchen at Chapel Lane.

There was a kebab shop on the Prince of Wales Road in Norwich with a photo menu that looked a lot like these cards.

Mondale said...

That kebab shop?

Wisdom Weasel said...

I think that one was on Magdelen Street, although you could well be right. I seem to recall you not being so blunt, but rather commiserating about the Turkish seizure of Northern Cyprus in 1974 with owners you took to be Greek Cypriot, only to find out that they were cleaver waving Turks.

Christ, weren't we terrible teenage boozehounds?

country mouse said...

You couldn't make that if you were Danny Bonaduce(sp?)!

I have no idea what this means.

Anonymous said...

Was that the kebab shop by the bridge on Magdelen Street? as they were definatley Turkish Cypriot according to my mate Adamos. He would refuse to go in so had to wait outside while we bought his. His stance only stretched so far after a hard night watching Chris Sutton celebrating his transfer by kicking posh cars in Tombland.

Wisdom Weasel said...

That's the one- across from the Mischief.

I saw that Dale Gordon in Pizza One, Pancakes Too once. And at Ritzys, drinking Archer's peach schnapps.

Wisdom Weasel said...

By the way Bruv, is Adamos still avoiding his national service in Cyprus? And care to explain why you were stamping on a Greek flag in a Bradford disco on "Hellenic Nite"?

Wisdom Weasel said...

Armaedes; god I hope not. Happy 25th for yesterday, btw.

Mondale said...

That's what I meant, the one across from 'The Mischief'. I like the way your lil bruv's mate took his boycott to the level of letting his mates go in and buy him one, very noble.

Wisdom Weasel said...

But Peertrainer spam person, I enjoy being slightly portly.

Gosh, I hope I'm not going to have to ask everyone to sign their comments, thats a real pain in the arse.

Anonymous said...

Last I heard Adamos was still avoiding going to Cyprus, in order not to do military service, despite being born in James Paget, not being a Cypriot citizen and having a British passport.

There was apparantly some "consulate" in the back of a butchers in North London who would provide you with a waiver letter for a fee if you did need to go to Cyprus.

As far as the incident with the flag is concerned, it was hanging from the lighting rig of the local nightclub, and being ever concerned for public safety, I did the decent thing and moved to remove the fire hazard. In doing so I dropped it on the beer stained dance floor and may have stepped on it as well.