Friday, December 10, 2004

Choose The Blue

In concluzerizon ma;am; with a name like Smuckers, it's got to be good.

My good pal Alex clued me into this splendid tip for finding out businesses political affiliations before spending money with them. It came from the Fightin' Words blog of blogstonauts Jim and Jamie:

FIGHTIN' WORDS: Choose The Blue

I was glad to read that the New York Jets give most of their money to Republicans, giving me yet another reason to dislike Wayne Chrebet and to boo the stinkin' Jets when they meet the Pats.

Although some businesses on the list might lead to some anguished choices between principle and pantry ("House of Tsang? Republican? And the gave the GOP $23,000??? Damnit!") it should prove a useful list for helping support those victualers who share your values.

It should also be noted that there appears to be a crying need for a Democrat-inclined producer of trashy convenience store canned chilli, otherwise football Sunday will never be the same.


jamie said...

thanks for the plug, weas. may your winter be short, your Canaries find another victory and your burg be named one of America's finest (whether it is or not).

Wisdom Weasel said...

Jamie; glad to share the love for your outstandingly provocative and well written blog. Looking forward to following your adventures in politics land.